2007-08-28 08:00:00 來源:云南花卉 瀏覽次數(shù):
An Investigation and Conservation Assessment of
Rhododendron Species
in the Lashihai Action Site
執(zhí)筆 方震東
By Fang Zhendong
云南中甸高山植物園 方震東、和光
Fang Zhendong & He Guang
Zhongdian Alpine Botanical Garden, Yunnan
美國(guó)大自然保護(hù)協(xié)會(huì)云南辦事處麗江辦公室 木勁華
Mu Jinghua
Lijiang Office, Yunnan Representative, The Nature Conservancy, USA
July 22, 2001
內(nèi)容 Contents
前言 Foreword
1. 拉市海流域杜鵑花屬植物已知種類名單
The Checklist of Rhododendron Species Known to Occur in the Lashihai Action Site
2. 拉市海流域杜鵑花屬植物已知種類的稀有性及特有性分析
An Analysis of Rarity and Endemism of Rhododendron Species Known to Occur in the Lashihai Action Site
3. 拉市海流域杜鵑花屬植物已知種類的保護(hù)現(xiàn)狀評(píng)價(jià)
An Assessment of Conservation Status of Rhododendron Species Known to Occur in the Lashihai Action Site
4. 拉市海流域杜鵑花屬植物已知種類的保護(hù)意見及建議
Recommendations for Conservation Targets of Rhododendron Species Known to Occur in the Lashihai Action Site
5. 拉市海流域杜鵑花屬植物標(biāo)本數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)
Specimen Data Base of Rhododendron in the Lashihai Action Site
前 言Foreword
The genus Rhododendron L. (Ericaceae) has 850 species, which distribute in N Hemisphere (Europe 7, China 650), especially in Himalayas, SE Asian and Malaysia mountains (155 endemic species in New Guinea). Only 1 species extends into tropical Australia. China has 650 species, which congregate in NW Yunnan, SE Xizang and SW Sichuan mostly. There are 227 species in Yunnan.
Rhododendron has a highly endemism on the genus level. Most species of Rhododendron are strictly endemic to a specific region, e.g. Rhododendron russatum is only endemic to NW Yunnan. Only few species occupy a relatively wide distribution area. Therefore, to study the endemic phenomena of their geographical distribution is helpful for to make a bio-diversity conservation plan and for to understand their origination and evolution.
The investigation and analysis was finished under the support of Lijiang Office of Yunnan Representative of The Nature Conservancy USA. Mr Mu Jinhua took part in the field trip to Lashihai region helping in collection and recording geography data; Mr Liu Dachang revised the report carefully and contributed his original ideas.
?。ㄏ抻谏夏蠄?、洋芋廠和文海)(Lashihai region refer to Upper Nanyao, Yangyuchang and Wenhai villages)
The Checklist of Rhododendron Species Known to Occur in the Lashihai Action Site (defined as Upper Nanyao/Yangyuchang and Wenhai)
Specimen of 18 rhododendron species were collected from the field during this trip to Lashihai region in July 11-13, 2001. Another 4 species were supplemented according to the report by Luzhengwei et all.
1) 腺房杜鵑Rhododendron adenogynum Diels
2) 團(tuán)花杜鵑Rhododendron anthosphaerum Diels
3) 卵葉杜鵑Rhododendron callimorphum Balf. f. et W. W. Smith
4) 楔葉杜鵑 Rhododendron cuneatum W. W. Smith*
5) 大白花杜鵑Rhododendron decorum Franch.
6) 馬纓花 Rhododendron delavayi Franch. *
7) 密枝杜鵑Rhododendron fastigiatum Franch.
8) 假乳黃杜鵑Rhododendron fictolacteum Balf. f.
9) 亮鱗杜鵑Rhododendron heliolepes Franch. *
10) 灰背杜鵑 Rhododendron hippophaeoides Balf. f. & W. W. Smith*
11) 露珠杜鵑Rhododendron irroratum Franch.
12) 山育杜鵑Rhododendron oreotrephes W. W. Smith
13) 纓草杜鵑Rhododendron primulaeflorum Bur. et Franch.
14) 腋花杜鵑Rhododendron racemosum Franch.
15) 紅棕杜鵑Rhododendron rubiginosum Franch.
16) 紫藍(lán)杜鵑Rhododendron russatum Balf. f. & Forrest**
17) 單色杜鵑Rhododendron tapetiforme Balf. f. & Ward
18) 硬葉杜鵑Rhododendron tatsienense Franch.
19) 棕背川滇杜鵑Rhododendron traillianum Forrest et W. W. Smith var. dictyatum (Tagg.) Chamberlain
20) 紫玉盤杜鵑Rhododendron uvarifolium Diels
21) 亮葉杜鵑Rhododendron vernicosum Franch.
22) 云南杜鵑Rhododendron yunnanense Franch.
*According to the report of the nature resource and conservation stratagem of Lashihai region in Lijiang county (July 20, 2000). Spescimen could not be collected in our trip.
**The topotype was collected in Lijiang.
檢索表Key to Species
1 (45) 花序頂生
2 (22) 植株不具鱗片,通常被各式毛被或無毛
3 (12) 葉背通常無毛,成葉毛被多少脫落;花梗和子房通常具腺體,無毛
4 (9) 花通常6-7基數(shù);雄蕊數(shù)較多,12-18;果大而粗壯,近直立
5 (8)子房及花柱有腺體
6 (7) 花絲無毛……………………………………………………...……..亮葉杜鵑 R. venicosum
7 (6)花絲下部被柔毛…………………………………………………....大白花杜鵑 R. decorum
8 (5)子房無毛及無腺體……………………………………………..團(tuán)花杜鵑 R. anthosphaerum
9 (4) 花5基數(shù);雄蕊10;
10 (11) 葉卵形或闊橢圓形,基部心形;果細(xì)長(zhǎng),極彎弓……………卵葉杜鵑 R. callimorphum
11 (10) 葉披針形或倒披針形,基部鈍或楔形;果長(zhǎng)圓柱形…………...…露珠杜鵑 R. irroratum
12 (3) 葉背密被綿毛或絨毛
13 (21) 葉背被二層毛被,上層毛被為特異的杯狀或漏斗狀復(fù)毛組成……………………………
…………………………………………………………………...假乳黃杜鵑 R. fictolacteum
14 (13) 葉背毛被不為上述,被絨毛或綿毛
15 (16) 花冠具明顯的蜜腺囊,通常肉質(zhì),深紅色,不具色點(diǎn)…………….…馬纓花 R. delavayi
16 (15) 花冠基部無蜜腺囊,不為肉質(zhì),白色至薔薇色,常具色點(diǎn)
17 (18) 子房無毛,細(xì)長(zhǎng);果狹長(zhǎng),鐮狀彎弓…………………………紫玉盤杜鵑 R. uvarifolium
18 (17) 子房密被毛或有毛和腺體;果直或微彎,但不成鐮狀彎弓
19 (20) 花萼大,長(zhǎng)5毫米以上;子房多少有腺體……………………..腺房杜鵑 R. adenogynum
20 (19) 花萼小,長(zhǎng)1-2毫米。
21 (13) 葉背背薄層細(xì)絨毛…………………………………………….……川滇杜鵑 R. traillianum
22 (2) 植株具有鱗片
23 (32) 灌木,稀為小喬木;葉遠(yuǎn)較大
24 (25) 葉背鱗片鄰接,密集覆瓦狀…………………………………..…紅棕杜鵑 R. rubiginosum
25 (24) 葉背鱗片不鄰接
26 (27) 葉常綠或半落葉,葉被鱗片疏生,相距為其直徑的2-6倍……云南杜鵑 R. yunnanense
27 (26) 葉常綠,葉被鱗片鄰接或不鄰接,不鄰接的鱗片相距不大
28 (29) 葉片兩端鈍圓,基部有時(shí)微凹而呈淺心型,上面無鱗片,兩面灰綠
色…………………………………………………………………….山育杜鵑 R. oreotrephes
29 (28) 葉片兩端漸尖或漸狹,
30 (31) 葉較大………………………………………………………….……..亮鱗杜鵑 R. heliolepes
31 (30) 葉較小,下面淡綠色………………………………………………..硬葉杜鵑 R. tatsienense
32 (23) 墊狀矮小灌木;葉小至極小;花小。
33 (34) 花冠高腳碟狀;雄蕊和花柱內(nèi)藏于花冠筒內(nèi)……………..…纓草杜鵑 R. primulaefolium
34 (33) 花冠不為上述情況。
35 (36) 葉背鱗片無光澤(不透明),白色或帶粉紅色………………….密枝杜鵑 R. fastigiatum
36 (35) 葉背鱗片不為上述情況
37 (38) 花冠長(zhǎng)20毫米以上……………………………………………….….楔葉杜鵑 R. cuneatum
38 (37) 花冠小于20毫米
39 (42) 葉背鱗片單一色
40 (41) 葉背鱗片色淡,麥桿色或淡黃褐色…………………………..灰背杜鵑 R. hippophaeoides
41 (40) 葉背鱗片紅棕色或褐色,萼片短于2毫米,葉背赤褐色………單色杜鵑 R. tapetiforme
42 (39) 葉背鱗片二色
43 (44) 萼片無鱗片中央帶…………………………………….……………...紫藍(lán)杜鵑 R. russatum
44 (43) 萼片有鱗片中央帶………………………………………………..…多色杜鵑 R. rupicolum
45 (1) 花序側(cè)生,即僅生于枝條上部葉腋………..……………………..腋花杜鵑 R. racemosum
An Analysis of Rarity and Endemism of Rhododendron Species Known to Occur in the Lashihai Action Site
Through the analysis of the endemism of every species known to occur in the Lashihai region, we get the following distribution patterns:
1. SW China & SE Asian, 1 species…………….R. delavayi
1. Endemic to China, 21 species
2. SW China……………………………R. racemosum, R. yunnanense
3. Hengduan Mts. & Yunnan et Guizhou Plateau, 4 species, including the following 4 distribution patterns:
4. NE Yunnan & DCZM-H………………….. R. oreotrephes
4.NE Yunnan & DC-H…………………..R. rubiginosum
4.Yunnna & DC-H……………………….R. irroratum
4.Yunnan et Guizhou Plateau & DCZ-H…………..R. decorum
3.Endemic to Hengduan Mts., 15 species, including the following 7 distribution patterns:
l NW Yunnan (D-H)…………………R. fastigiatum, R. russatum
l W Yunnan et N Myanmar (DM-H) …………….R. callimorphum
l DC-H………..R. cuneatum, R. hippophaeoides et R. tatsienense
l DZM-H……..R. fictolacteum, R. heliolepis et R. tapetiforme
l DCZ-H……..R. adenogynum, R. traillianum var. dictyatum, R. uvarifolium, R. vernicosum
l DCZM-H………………………..R. anthosphaerum
l DCZG-H………………………..R. primulaefolium
D-Dian, Yunnan; C-Chuan, Sichuan; Z-Zang, Xizang (Tibet); Q-Qian, Guizhou; G-Gansu; M-Myanmar(Burma), esp. N Myanmar; H-The Great Hengduan Mountains,
1.中國(guó)特有分布 21種
3.中國(guó)橫斷山區(qū)及云貴高原分布 4種,包括以下4個(gè)分布式樣:
l 滇東北及滇西北、川西南、藏東南和緬甸東北部橫斷山區(qū)特有分布(N. E. Yunnan & DCZM-H)1種…………山育杜鵑
l 滇東北及滇西北、川西南橫斷山區(qū)特有分布(N. E. Yunnan & DC-H)1種…………………………………………紅棕杜鵑
l 云南、川西南特分布(Yunnan & DC-H)1種……..露珠杜鵑
l 云貴高原至滇西北、川西南和藏東南橫斷山區(qū)特有分布(YG-P & DCZ-H)1種…………………………...大白花杜鵑
3.中國(guó)橫斷山區(qū)分布 15種,包括以下7種分布式樣:
l 滇西北橫斷山區(qū)特有分布(D-H)2種………………………………………….密枝杜鵑、紫藍(lán)杜鵑
l 滇西及滇西北和緬甸東北部橫斷山區(qū)特有分布(DM-H)1種……………………………………………………….卵葉杜鵑
l 滇西北和川西南橫斷山區(qū)特有分布(DC-H)3種…………………………….楔葉杜鵑、灰背杜鵑、硬葉杜鵑
l 滇西北、藏東南和緬甸東北部橫斷山區(qū)特有分布(DZM-H)3種………………………..假乳黃杜鵑、亮鱗杜鵑、單色杜鵑
l 滇西北、川西南和藏東南橫斷山區(qū)特有分布(DCZ-H)4種……….腺房杜鵑、棕背川滇杜鵑、紫玉盤杜鵑、亮葉杜鵑
l 滇西及滇西北、川西南、藏東南和緬甸東北部橫斷山區(qū)特有分布(DCZM-H)1種……………………………...團(tuán)花杜鵑
l 滇西北、川西、藏南及藏東南、甘肅南部橫斷山區(qū)特有分布(DCZG-H)1種……………………………………...纓草杜鵑
1)腺房杜鵑Rhododendron adenogynum Diels
The species belongs to DCZ-H Pattern, can be seen in Fir-Rhododendron Community between 3400-4200m as well as Alpine Rhododendron Community frequently. In Lashihai region it only can be seen in alpine Rhododendron Community dominated by R. traillianum on west faced slope between 3600-3800m of Yangyuchang, Upper Nanyao. Its quantity is relatively rich.
2)團(tuán)花杜鵑Rhododendron anthosphaerum Diels
The species belongs to DCZM-H Pattern, can be seen in the sub-stratum of the Decidural forest, Tsuga forest and Mixed Forest often. In the Lashihai region it only can be seen in Quercus aquifolioides Forest on east faced slope and in sub-stratum of Mixed Forest in Wenhai.
3)卵葉杜鵑Rhododendron callimorphum Balf. f. et W. W. Smith
The species belongs to DM-H Pattern, hardly occurs in NW Yunnan. In the Lashihai region it only has 1 plant seen under the Quercus Forest on east faced slope. It should be considered as one of conservation target.
4)楔葉杜鵑 Rhododendron cuneatum W. W. Smith
屬于滇西北和川西南橫斷山區(qū)特有分布(DC-H)。本種與紫藍(lán)杜鵑(Rhododendron russatum)十分相似,唯本種花冠較大,長(zhǎng)于2厘米而不同。本種是否成立有待研究。如果成立,應(yīng)該是很稀見的種類,應(yīng)該列為流域內(nèi)的保護(hù)對(duì)象。
The species belongs to DC-H Pattern. It’s similar to R. russatum, but this species has a longer corolla above 2 cm than the later. It is worth to study the species further if it could be an independent species. If so, it should be a rare species and should be considered as one of the conservation target in the Lashihai region.
5)大白花杜鵑Rhododendron decorum Franch.
屬于云貴高原至滇西北、川西南和藏東南橫斷山區(qū)特有分布(YG-P & DCZ-H)。云南松林下十分常見。流域內(nèi)云南松林下也很常見。
The species belongs to YG-P & DCZ-H Pattern, which is usually seen under the Yunnan Pine Forest and also often occurs in the Yunnan Pine Forest in the Lashihai region.
6)馬纓花 Rhododendron delavayi Franch.
It belongs to SW China & SE Asian Pattern, which is common occurring in Yunnan and not across the south of Diqing Prefecture. Mr Luzhenwei et all thought it distributed in west villages of Nanyao on the sunny slopes between 2500-3000m, but we did not seen the species in our trip.
7)密枝杜鵑Rhododendron fastigiatum Franch.
It belongs to D-H Pattern, which is frequently in alpine shrubs. It occurs in Baitoushan (White Head Mountain) Yangyuchang Upper Nanyao of the Lashihai region.
8)假乳黃杜鵑Rhododendron fictolacteum Balf. f.
It belongs to DZM-H Pattern, which grows in Tsuga Forest (Mixed Forest) and Fir-Rhododendron Communities. It is rare in NW Yunnan. Only few were found in Fir-Rhododendron Communities of West Wenhai, but there are more plants on east faced slopes of Tianbao and Haba Snow Mt. regions in Zhgongdian County. It is one of national second grade protected plants. The species also could be one of the conservation targets in the Lashihai region.
9)亮鱗杜鵑Rhododendron heliolepes Franch.
It belongs to DZM-H Pattern, which is frequent in Fir-Rhododendron Communities, but poor in quantity. Mr Luzhenwei et all found the species in Niujianbao Mt. between 2800-3500m. We did not see it in our trip.
10) 灰背杜鵑 Rhododendron hippophaeoides Balf. f. & W. W. Smith
It belongs to DC-H Pattern, which is frequent in sub-alpine meadows in Zhongdian Plateau. Mr Luzhenwei et all found at wet places in Xiaogtuoli area between 3000-3400m. We did not see it in our trip.
11) 露珠杜鵑Rhododendron irroratum Franch. var. irroratum
屬于云南、川西南特分布(Yunnan & DC-H)。云南全省廣布。流域內(nèi)較常見。
It belongs to Yunnan & DC-H Pattern, which widely distributes in the whole Yunnan Province. It’s also common in the Lashihai region.
12) 山育杜鵑Rhododendron oreotrephes W. W. Smith
屬于滇東北及滇西北、川西南、藏東南和緬甸東北部橫斷山區(qū)特有分布(NE Yunnan & DCZM-H)。滇西北較常見,數(shù)量較多。流域內(nèi)僅見于南堯東村五社洋芋廠后山,少見。
It belongs to NE Yunnan & DCZM-H Pattern, which is frequent in NW Yunnan and abundant in quantity. It’s only seen in the mountain of Yangyuchang Upper Nanyao of the Lashihai region.
13) 纓草杜鵑Rhododendron primulaeflorum Bur. et Franch.
It belongs to DCZG-H Pattern, which is common in alpine heath and dominates the community. It could be found in the Baitou Mt. Yangyuchang Upper Nanyao of the Lashihai region.
14) 腋花杜鵑Rhododendron racemosum Franch.
屬于中國(guó)西南特有分布(SW China)。松林、松-櫟混交林下十分常見。流域內(nèi)也很常見。
It belongs to SW China Pattern, which is very common in pine forest and pine & oak mixed forest. It’s also common in the Lashihai region.
15) 紅棕杜鵑Rhododendron rubiginosum Franch.
屬于滇東北及滇西北、川西南橫斷山區(qū)特有分布(NE Yunnan & DC-H)。十分普遍,常見大面積群落。流域內(nèi)也很常見。
It belongs to NE Yunnan & DC-H Pattern, which is very common. It usually constitutes a big community. It’s also common in the Lashihai region.
16) 紫藍(lán)杜鵑Rhododendron russatum Balf. f. & Forrest
It belongs to D-H Pattern. Lijiang is the original place of topotype. It is reported that the species also distributes in Zhongdian, Weixi and Deqing, but hardly to see in the field. It could be considered as one of the conservation targets in the Lashihai region.
17) 單色杜鵑Rhododendron tapetiforme Balf. f. & Ward
It belongs to DZM-H Pattern, which normally grows in alpine heath. It occurs in Baitoushan Yangyuchang of the Lashihai region.
18) 硬葉杜鵑Rhododendron tatsienense Franch.
It belongs to DC-H Pattern, which is rare in NW Yunnan. It only occurs under pine forest in N Wenhai.
19) 棕背川滇杜鵑Rhododendron traillianum Forrest et W. W. Smith var. dictyatum (Tagg.) Chamberlain
It belongs to DCZ-H Pattern. It is the dominated species in Fir-Rhododendron Community and Alpine Rhododendron Community, common. The Rhododendron Forest on Baitoushan Yangyuchang called by local Yi people is composed of this species mostly.
20) 紫玉盤杜鵑Rhododendron uvarifolium Diels
It belongs to DCZ-H Pattern, which is frequent under deciduous broad-leaf forest, mixed forest. It only can be seen in Quercus aquifolioides Forest in the Lashihai region, rare.
21) 亮葉杜鵑Rhododendron vernicosum Franch.
It belongs to DCZ-H Pattern, which is very common on Zhongdian Plateau. But it is rare in the Lashihai region.
22) 云南杜鵑Rhododendron yunnanense Franch.
屬于中國(guó)西南特有分布(S. W. China)。常見,流域內(nèi)也較常見。
It belongs to SW China Pattern, which is very common. It’s also common in the Lashihai region.
3. 拉市海流域杜鵑花屬植物已知種類的保護(hù)現(xiàn)狀評(píng)價(jià)
An Assessment of Conservation Status of Rhododendron Species Known to Occur in the Lashihai Action Site
1、 云南松林(山坡)
2、 寒溫山地硬葉常綠櫟類林
3、 溫涼性針闊葉混交林(溝谷及背陰山坡)
4、 麗江云杉林
5、 長(zhǎng)苞冷杉林
6、 大果紅杉林
7、 寒溫灌叢
Species of Rhododendron usually occur in the following kinds of vegetation types:
1. Yunnan Pine Forest (slope)
2. Cold-Temperate Mountain Hard-leaf Evergreen Oak Forest
3. Temperate Needle and Broad Leaf Mixed Forest (valley or shaded slopes)
4. Lijiang Spruce Forest
5. George Fir Forest
6. Macro-cone Larch Forest
7. Cold-Temperate shrubs
Yunnan Pine Forest dominates the biggest area in the Lashihai region and usually occurs on the south faced slope bellow 3000m. R. racemosum and R. decorum are two species very common in it. They are also popular in SW China and abundant in quantity. People in the Lashihai region cut R. decorum as firewood, therefore there is not so many its plants in the pine forests near the villages. But the R. racemosum is very common as is not used by people.
Cold-Temperate Mountain Hard-leaf Evergreen Oak Forest is less than the Pine Forest, which usually occurs on east-faced slope above 3000m. There are 7 species of Rhododendron occurs in the sub-stratum of this kind of forest. R. rubiginosum, R. irroratum and R. yunnanense are more common species under the forest, but R. uvardianum, R. venicosum, R. callimophum and R. fictolacteatum are rare to see, esp. R. fictolacteatum very rare and very easy to be destroyed because the local people cut the oak tree and char them. Local people think that logging has less influences on the forest because the stumps will geminate again and for some years the forest will be back. It is true. But after the logging, the original habitats are inkling to dry, which result in the Rhododendron species could not survive.
Temperate Needle and Broad Leaf Mixed Forest (valley or shaded slopes) occupies less area in the Lashihai region. It is found on the way to Yangyuchang and from Wenhai to Xuehua on the north faced and east faced slope. Among the forest R. anthosphaerum and R. rubiginosum is growing. There is a heavy impact on the forest due to human’s activities.
The typical Lijiang Spruce Forest is hardly to see in the Lashihai region because of the human’s impact on it. We only found the Lijiang Spruce and Birch Mixed Forest on the north faced slope behind of the Yangyuchang. R. anthosphaerum and R. rubiginosum are growing in it.
George Fir Forest also has a less area in the Lashihai region, which only was seen on the way from Baitoushan to Bandahua Yangyuchang above 3600m. It constitutes the Fir-Rhododendron Communities with R. traillianum and R. adenogynum. When the George Fir get died, then the alpine Rhododendron Communities is left which consist of R. traillianum and R. adenogynum. The called “Alpine Rhododendron Garden” From Baitoushan to bandahua is composed of these two species.
Larch Forest occurs on the west-faced slope behind of Yangyuchang between 3400-3600m in the Lashihai region, which consist of the Larch-Rhododendron Communities with R. oreotrephes, R. traillianum, etc. There is a less influence on the forest.
Cold-Temperate shrubs distributes in alpine area above 3700m in the Lashihai region. It is composed of some Rhododendron species with small-leaves, e.g. R. russatum, R. primulaefolium, R. tarpetiforme, R. cuneatum, R. fastigiatum and R. traillianum, etc. R. russatum, R. cuneatum and R. fastigiatum are rare to be seen in other places in NW Yunnan, which could be considered as the conservation targets in the Lashihai region. Now the Yi people have their cows and horses grazing in the that area, but the cattle do not eat these plants.
4. 拉市海流域杜鵑花屬植物已知種類的保護(hù)意見及建議
Recommendations for Conservation Targets of Rhododendron Species Known to Occur in the Lashihai Action Site
1、 重點(diǎn)保護(hù)在拉市海流域內(nèi)數(shù)量稀少及特有程度較高的種類。推薦以下重點(diǎn)保護(hù)種類:卵葉杜鵑、假乳黃杜鵑、紫藍(lán)杜鵑、楔葉杜鵑和密枝杜鵑。
2、 重點(diǎn)保護(hù)這些珍稀特有杜鵑種類生長(zhǎng)的并且易受人為活動(dòng)影響的植被類型。應(yīng)該重點(diǎn)保護(hù)的植被類型是:寒溫山地硬葉常綠櫟類林、溫涼性針闊葉混交林(溝谷及背陰山坡)。
Through the analysis above, we propose the following suggestions:
1. First to protect those species which are rare and endemic to narrower regions. Some proposed species are as follows: R. callimorphum, R. fictolacteatum, R. russatum, R. cuneatum and R. fastigiatum.
2. First to protect those vegegation types in which those rare and endemic Rhododendron species inhabit and which are easy to be destroyed by village people. They are 1 Cold-Temperate Mountain Hard-leaf Evergreen Oak Forest and 2 Temperate Needle and Broad Leaf Mixed Forest (valley or shaded slopes).
Specimen Data Base of Rhododendron in the Lashihai Action Site